A Course in Miracles Dictated by a Familiar Spirit
A Course in Miracles (New Age Movement) has filtered into many Christian churches. It was given to Helen Schucman by way of "a voice" that over the course of seven years spoke to her and dictated the contents to her. A self-avowed athiest at the time she claims that the inspiration for this work was from Jesus Christ. It should also be pointed out that she had a love/hate relationship with Jesus throughout her entire life yet we are to believe that it was Jesus who wrote this book?
What she heard was "another Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4)" not the One of the Bible. In actuality what she heard was a voice of a familiar spirit because she later attributed later inspirations through this channeled voice. Initially this woman had dreams, visions, and psychic experiences that were calmed by her friend William Thetford. The twosome were in agreement in their scientific work but at odds with one another at most other times.
In October 1965 this voice began speaking A Course in Miracles to Schucman despite her disbelief in either God or Jesus Christ. What was it that she heard? "When they say to you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards, that peep and mutter, should not a people seek unto their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living?"- Isaiah 8:19.
The peeps are those sounds mimicked by the dead and the muttering is heard from the shades of hades. My Jesus, the One eternal God would counter this woman and her "voice" by saying, "He is not the God of the dead, but of the living"- Luke 20:38. The whole foundation of A Course in Miracles comes from a voice that was heard by a troubled athiest that had difficulty getting along with people. Are we to place our faith in a "voice" over that of our risen Savior?
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