Rick Warrens mentor C. Peter Wagner commissions Todd Bentley

Rick Warrens mentor C. Peter Wagner commissioned Todd Bentley for the Prophetic and Apostolic ministry. Video of this event is at the end of this article.
Rick Warren wrote his doctoral dissertation at Fuller Seminary on his church growth ideas. His mentor was C. Peter Wagner! Here is a copy of the FirstSearch Dissertations Abstracts listing:
Degree: D.MIN.
Year: 1993
Pages: 00413
Advisor: Mentor: C. PETER WAGNER
Source: DAI, 54, no. 03A, (1993): 0967
Abstract: One out of every three Americans alive today was born during the eighteen year period between 1947 and 1964. These 74,000,000 adults are the Baby Boom Generation. Today the youngest of the Baby Boomers is 24 and the oldest is 41 years old. In addition to being the largest generation of Americans, Baby Boomers are unique in their attitudes, values, and lifestyles. There are significant cultural differences between the Baby Boomer and the generations that both precede and follow them.
A People magazine survey found that only 11% of Baby Boomers regularly attend church. The basic argument of this dissertation is that most Baby Boomers will never be reached by traditional churches. We must establish new churches to reach this new generation of Americans. It will require new churches that understand the Baby Boom mindset and are intentionally designed to meet their needs, tastes, and interests.
During the past thirteen years, I have been researching, testing, and implementing principles and programs to reach Baby Boomers. I began the Saddleback Valley Community Church in January, 1980 in my home with my wife and the first family I met when I moved to the area. My target was to reach Baby Boomers. Today, the church averages about 6,000 in attendance. Over 50% of the members are Baby Boomers and nearly 70% were saved and baptized at the church.
Our church has sponsored 20 daughter churches since it began. In each of these new churches we have used the same strategy with good results. I believe the strategy we're developing at Saddleback is reproducible in other new church starts.
Accession No: AAG9320131
Database: Dissertations
source http://op.50megs.com/ditc/addendumNAR.html
Saddleback Church promotes and endorses C. Peter Wagners book "Your Spiritual Gifts can help your church grow" here on saddlebacks website as part of there SHAPE class 301
here http://www.saddlebackfamily.com/ministry/images/discoverytool.pdf
Warren did his D.MIN. in 1993 under Peter Wagner at Fuller NEW CHURCHES FOR A NEW GENERATION: CHURCH PLANTING TO REACH BABY BOOMERS. A CASE STUDY: THE SADDLEBACK VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH (California). In it he wrote “We must establish new churches to reach this new generation of Americans. It will require new churches that understand the Baby Boom mindset and are intentionally designed to meet their needs, tastes, and interests.”
Ministry Advantage at Fuller features articles from various “Christian leaders” Warren is listed among others like Ted Haggard, Jack Hayford, Bill Hybels, Peter Wagner, John Wimber etc. (http://www.fuller.edu/cll/ce/ma_writers.html)
All this means Fuller sees him as being in agreement with these men and what they are teaching. Peter Wagner who taught at Fuller optimized his vision of church growth with executing a new Church government, ie. new apostles and prophets laying a new foundation for today (ICA).
Peter Wagner, is the Founder and President of the American Society For Church Growth (ASCG). Rick Warren is a member of the American Society For Church Growth (ASCG) which is located at Fuller Theological Seminary. http://www.ascg.org/links.htm Saddleback Valley Community Church.
Rick Warren, Founding Pastor (ASCG member at large) is found alongside many names which includes Global Harvest Ministries of C. Peter Wagner, Founder, President (the ASCG Founding President); The World Prayer Center C. Peter Wagner, Co-founder.
“Saddleback Community Church senior pastor Rick Warren is on Mission America's Facilitation Committee [http://www.missionamerica.org/leaders.html 1997].
A person does not become part of a board unless they are in agreement with the doctrines and philosophy of ministry of those who are part of the board.
Source http://www.letusreason.org/Popteac23.htm
Should all this surprise us?
Of course not.
Rick Warren himself states ""I see absolutely zero reason in separating my fellowship from anybody," he said.
source http://www.biblicalrecorder.org/content/news/2005/7_28_2005/ne280705warren.shtml
And Warren has proved this time and time again with his associations with false teachers like Paul Yonggi Cho, Ken Copeland, Benny Hinn and the like.
Warren even spoke at the Azuza Street Centinnel. Warren continuely associates with new age sympathizers like Ken Blanchard and new ager Len Sweet.
False apostles and prophets like C Peter Wagner and his bunch.
Here is the video of Rick Warrens mentor C. Peter Wagner commissioning false revival minister Todd Bentley.
People have asked me why I have linked Warren with Bentley.
Fair question its because they have in common a mentor who they both gleaned from in C. Peter Wagner.
How much poison does it take to kill my friends?
Here is the video
More to come Im sure
What a stretch. I do not know if you have been to seminary - especially doing post-graduate work, but the "mentor" in this case is nothing more than a department or degree faculty advisor. Wagner's orthodoxy and orthopraxy are so far from Warren's that if Rick had not attended Fuller you would have never been able to draw a connection. It would be far better, if you are going to be fair, to evaluate the list of men that Rick himself counts as mentors. One that I know he mentions is Dr. W.A. Criswell, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Dallas.
I apprectiate your comments but no the connection is no stretch at all.But let me re phrase so you can understand the point Im making.
Warren did his D.MIN. in 1993 under Peter Wagner at Fuller.
So C Peter Wagner taught and influenced Rick Warren as did Robert Schuller.
C Peter Wagner now is teaching and influencing Todd Bentley.
Sorry you dont see the connection in a common teacher/mentor.
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